Taylor’s 10K Dusty Wheel & Wheel of Time Livestream
Thank you so much to our viewers! The Dusty Wheel hit 10K Subscribers, so Taylor, The Innkeeper’s Son, will be hosting his first episode of The Dusty Wheel to celebrate this milestone! Come support Taylor while he swaps seats with the Innkeeper, who will be running production behind the scenes. Plus, you’ll get an exclusive sneak peek into the upcoming Channel Trailer!
Becoming Nynaeve al’Meara: Zoe Robins – A Wheel of Time TV Cast Spotlight
Can Zoë Robins embody the character of Nynaeve from the beloved The Wheel of Time series? We’ll take a deep dive into her prior characters and work, and examine what we think her strengths and weaknesses may be, and where she might shine or struggle in this role. Join us with special guests: CallMeNakomi and Riddhima. Give us a call, join us Live, and tell us why you think she will or will not become Nynaeve.
2020 WOT TV REWIND: The Wheel of Time on Amazon Prime
Join our Live 2020 Rewind show all about The Wheel of Time on Amazon Prime, with special guests John Fallon freelance writer and contributor to WinterisComing.net, Jon from WoTUp! and Joe from Talk’aran’rhiod! Remember the Waystone Portalgate? How about Rafe’s Zoom Bomb? Come break it all down with us, and call us with your favorite memories of a wild Wheel of Time year!
John Fallon, Freelance Writer
Jon from the WoTUp! Channel
Joe from Talk’aran’rhiod Showcast
A Wheel of Time Night at the Holiday Inn!
Let’s come together and celebrate the holiday spirit, as we celebrate Wheel of Time fandom’s past, present, and future!
Wheel of Time TV Trailer: Thom’s Guitar + RAFE Q&A: Live Coverage!
The Wheel of Time on Amazon Prime released another Teaser Trailer this time focused on Thom, plus we covered Rafe Judkin’s Q&A Live with my guests Nae’blis and Tom from Talk’aran’rhiod, as we met up to discuss the latest news, and wait to see news would be released today. We were LIVE when it happened!
The Dragon Reborn: Pt 5 with The Wheel Takes Podcast
Join our special guests, The Wheel Takes Podcast, Gus & Ali, for a special New Readers Live Adaptation of The Dragon Reborn, along with Mary, Todd, and Natalia. Come help our panelists determine what to keep and what to cut for The Wheel of Time TV Series on Amazon Prime, as we journey through this pivotal third book. If YOU could make the adaptation decisions with Rafe and his team, what would you do??