Wheel of Time Innkeepers: A Chat with Jason Denzel of Dragonmount
Don’t miss this Live chat all about The Wheel of Time TV Show and The Wheel of Time with Jason Denzel of Dragonmount and Matt Hatch of Theoryland, two hardcore Wheel of Time fans whose communities became real parts of The Wheel of Time World in Caemlyn.
The Forsaken – The Wheel of Time’s Moghedien, Graendal & Lanfear
Wheel of Time Spoilers! Join my guests, Vance of The Gleeman Channel, Delusions of Graendal, and the Amyrlin of TarValon.net Shannan, as we dig into what makes the female Forsaken tick, specifically focused on Moghedien, Graendal, and Lanfear for this episode, as we work to determine who deserves the Chosen title most. Will we convince you?
Wheel of Time Debate Night: Plot Holes, Best & Worst, and More!
Enjoy our first Wheel of Time Debate, as our teams attempted to convince live viewers that their team won. Watch and find out which team won!
Wheel of Time Meme-off Competition: The Finals!
Did you join The Great Wheel of Time Meme-Off Competition? Join us for the Finals! Be there to Vote on the winner fan create Wheel of Time Meme!
Wheel of Time TV Trailer: Tam’s Sword & Rafe’s Answers
Did you see the Teaser Trailer for Tam’s Sword? Catch Rafe’s answers to ten questions on Twitter? That’s ok, we will be covering it all LIVE this evening, followed by The Great Wheel of Time Meme-off Show! Join us for a double-live stream night at the Inn!
Answering Wheel of Time Fan Questions
Join my friends Terez and Linda Taglieri as we dig into Robert Jordan’s Notes for our 4th Episode. We have collected fan questions, and tonight we’ll answer as many of them as we can. Plus, you can give us a call, LIVE, if you have any questions! We look forward to seeing you there! Inventory of the James Oliver Rigney, Jr., Papers, 1905-2012